Last month has been a big one for corporate sustainability
rankings, with the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and the Carbon
Disclosure Project releasing new reports. Also a book called Good Company announced its own
2012 Good Company Index. And this month will bring the World Series, Halloween
and, of course, the annual Newsweek “green” rankings of big public companies,
etc. Read in detail in Marc Gunther’s
blog. As he suggests all these
rankings rise a lot of questions. And some findings are rather discouraging .
Take for example the Dow Jones
Sustainability Index (DJSI).
The DJSI World has, since its inception in 1999, very
closely tracked the stock markets as a whole. Actually, it slightly trails the
MSCI World Index.
That’s discouraging, says Gunther. If the index is, in fact,
selecting the most sustainable companies, they ought to be rewarded by
forward-thinking investors. They’re not. Here’s a chart.