That was the theme of the speech of Mr. Costas Kataras, key-note speaker at the Graduation 2010 ceremony of the Nottingham Trend University, at the Goulandris Center in Athens,18/06/2010. Mr. Kataras suggested that although we are now living in turbulent times, a new set of opportunities emerge which will force the new graduates to develop new strategies for personal development and advancement that, finally, will lead to a prosperous carrier. A carrier beyond borders and with a cosmopolitan touch , a long tradition and competitive advantage of great business figures in the country. Hippocrates from the ancient times was suggesting that crisis is a prerequisite for the cure and life. In some other languages, the word crisis is the same as the word for opportunity. Of course, both the above ideas involve some element of danger or risk, that graduates must be prepare to embrace. Present at the ceremony were guests, graduates, diplomates and academics, including the Vice-Chancellor of the Nottingham Trend University, Prof Neil T. Gorman.